Monday, September 20, 2010

Amazing Pizza op & Great Show - the Adventures of Bruce

We had about 16-20 Living Hope fans at Gordon's show last night: wow! We had so much fun. Doing life together IS the way to live!

Our Old Portland campus had 8 people; Several from our Mall and Brush Prairie campus and six of us from the East Vancouver campus made this a very fun night.

Here's a link to my Blackberry clip of Gordon playing at the Hawthorne

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Mark it down: Oct 10 is our BIG DAY

Mark your calendar for the return of Seth and Holli McRae to our campus! Seth will be leading our East Vancouver campus (no, Laura and I are not leaving, just adding to the other campuses -East Vancouver will still be our home campus) and we want to welcome them home.

Following the 11 a.m. service on October 10 we will have a welcome home potluck lunch! Yes, you can bring Starbucks or Stumptown gifts for our "Returning Home couple." Also, bring a side dish (salad, veggie, or dessert) - we'll provide the main dishes! This is going to be a grand fun day for all!

Latest videos on Bruce's personal blog :) Link

Also: It's not too late to email Bruce and join him for the last concert before Christmas for Gordon Avenue (his son's band) -

Sunday, September 12, 2010


What a way to do life: With Friends; laughing, playing, praying and building memories that make us want Heaven; forever! Four of us guys came back from a one-day "Road Trip" so charged up! Let's do life together -We ARE family! Ephesians 4, I Corinthians 12.

Link to videos of outrageous fun (Bruce's Blog).

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

To Love More!

(LINK to Bruce's personal blog: 4 Simple Food Rules to fantastic health)

I spoke this last Sunday at East Vancouver about God's Ultimate Health Plan. It's all about friendships, marriages, and other relationships that are whole, real, authentic, and forever!

Lie: I don't make that much of a difference (Ephesian 4:16 - Every one of us makes a HUGE difference in each other's life).

Lie: I don't belong (no one really cares that much for me and will be there for me always)! We were loved and viewed as 100% genuine and WOW from before time (Ephesians 1:4-5).

I also shared how these lies have made us sick physically with the food Giant Corporations are feeding us (they are really making BIG $$$ off of us). The problem is the two lies above are what fuels unhealthy physical health.

Want to know why the French eat more cheese, drink more wine, and dine on fantastic foods but have MUCH better health than us (they ask 3 questions to our 1 regarding food)?

September 19 is my oldest son's concert at the Hawthorne Theater (You should join us) : LINK

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

India update - Special Haiti Report this Sunday night

Please invite friends to hear my dear friend Nicky, share about her recent "Only God" trip to Haiti. This special Mission Live Update will take place at our campus this Sunday, Aug. 29 at 6:30 p.m.

Dr. Kumar continues
to use "Cell phone Preaching" to spread the Good-news about Jesus to so many people every Friday. The miracles of healing that takes place at the close of these services is so amazing. These pastors have such faith and God is revealing himself to this very "dark" country. In the pictures below is a lady who was sent home to die; her blood plateletcount was less than 10,000 (normal is 150,000) and she had Septicaemia in her uterus and body. Her hemoglobin was level was less than 5 gms. She was brought to the cell phone preaching and was healed. Her immediate visit back to the hospital showed her platelet count to be 200,000. This lady had been so sick for months, but now has renounced her former Hindu faith and is a living testimony to God's power.
Dr. Kumar is working with thousands of those who lost their homes due to flooding in the area.

I've include some pictures of the kids who have recently been rescued from abuse and are receiving education and food everyday in our new School Day-care ministry that Jim and Diana Brownlee are helping spearhead (You've got to ask Diana what YOU can do - its so incredible the difference you can make).

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

White Salmon Rafting

We leave this Saturday, July 24, to Whitewater Raft the White Salmon River.
COST: $65 - bring check payable to Living Hope Church (includes lunch)
LEAVING: We will LEAVE at 7 a.m. from the East Vancouver Campus parking lot (see directions on the right side of this page). DO NOT BE LATE - YOUR lOSS!
Rafting Company details: This is one of the best rafting companies we've ever found (they provide all the wet gear you need to keep warm! They are tops - here's a link to their site (go there).

Email or call 360-909-4554.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dr. Kumar (from India) is at our Campus this weekend (and tomorrow night - Women . . . check this out . . .)

This Sunday Dr. Kumar is here at East Vancouver (the picture, right, is of his youngest son); but first let me mention a special event at East Vancouver tomorrow night.

This Wednesday, July 14, at 7 p.m. Serious Coffee (Our LH Women's ministry) is doing a Summer Picnic! If you didn't know about this or didn't know if you could make the time to be here let me share with you from a guy's perspective: "Anytime you can be in the same room as two very powerful mentors lives (These two women are such spiritual giants), I think it's so worth doing it! I'm not going to say in this blog who these two women are, but I'll tell you outright if you come up and ask me on Sunday (you can email me too - This is a summer picnic that allows you to meet other women who want to grow spiritually (Women from several faiths, a mix of those from Living Hope, as well as those who have never attended our church will be there). Then you'll get a feel if you'd like to consider doing one of the fall, winter, or spring sessions this new year. Try it out. Email me or Angela Taylor (

Dr Kumar and Only God International are at our campus this Sunday, July 18, from 10 a.m. until after the 11 a.m. service.

See, hear, and experience the latest miracle in India. This will be your only opportunity this year to meet Dr. Kumar and his wife. Only God International (Living Hope Church Mission Outreach) will be hosting a Continental breakfast from 10 a.m. to 10:30. This is a great opportunity to meet Dr Kumar and his wife Jean-Mary. Dr. Kumar will then share with us during our 11 a.m. service! I'm so very excited about this amazing chance to meet a man who was born an untouchable but now guides 800 pastors, a hospital, several clinics, and an orphanage. All of this for one passion -to bring out of darkness, into the Light, those who don't have a forever-friendship with Jesus. You will be so glad you made met these two amazing people. God takes what society calls "Untouchable" and uses to bring eternal Hope to one of the darkest places on our planet.

Sunday, July 18
10-10:30 a.m. "Only God International" continental breakfast
11 a.m. East Vancouver Worship with Dr. Kumar as our special guest

If you have any questions don't hesitate to email me (

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Summer Spiritual Muscle - a simple plan

Here's are two workout routines for spiritual strength:

1) Sing and Shout, a lot! Singing (even if you lip-sync) is a powerful use of your 3 of your 5 senses! Singing is highly recommended by God many times in the Bible. It very likely could activate the powerful endorphins spoken of in Philippians 4 (Check it out)! In addition to singing, try "shouting" about what's really worth shouting about! I mean it - we use passion and "volume" for some pretty silly things ( for example: bad drivers, someone taking cuts in a long line, our cat or dogs bad behavior, our kid/s, lawnmower, or even worse, a missed putt at Blue Heron Golf Course (those 16" ones can bite hard). Shout, with exuberant celebration, for the gift of life! Not long ago, just for fun, my son Marcus and I SHOUTED, "Get in the hole!" right Gordon hit his Tee shot on a short par 4 (It was fun . . . felt like the US Open . . . my sweetheart Laura laughed a lot too). Don't hold back at exhibiting your inner value for life, gifts, love, and great memories - express yourself more. It's highly recommended by GOD! A must read is Psalm 33 - Start with this verse (3) now! The ancient language of the Bible says, literally, "make a really loud shout." It's the same word used to describe a war cry of celebration or mighty trumpet blast! Read this verse again; now take a look at the root word (in the link above). Try it out; SHOUT OUT LOUD SOMETHING YOU SO APPRECIATE! It's going to build some really good muscle on your inside!

2) Walk back (saunter) to a life of "awe and wonder." Little children are simply amazed all the time. Watching my two year old granddaughter run down a path, simply in awe of the gift of "running" (Not much bend going on in those little knees yet, but the bouncing jelly-face, full of wonder, is so incredibly WOW . . . " You can keep on running like that, sweetie!").

Notice what Psalm 33:8 says, "Let all the earth fear the LORD: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him." The word "fear" can mean either "terror" or "respect-deep awe." Tingle with the beyond "bigness" of who God is in your life. Look at life with deep wonder, fascination. Stop and look at how amazing life is!

There's far more I'd love to blog on in this passage (maybe later): make sure you check out the weird pictures of my son Gordon experiencing Chinese Fire-pots on his back (Warning - I think these are some "sick" pictures).

Friday, June 11, 2010

Try on "serving" at East Vancouver this Summer

Dear friends, here's the overview of 21 ways you can serve this summer and get connected, exercise your spiritual muscles, AND have a blast "being part of God's family (see the entire chapter of Ephesians 4).

Take a look at the following descriptions and then give email Pastor Bruce and we'll spend some time visiting together about the possibilities!

Summer “Try-on” Service Areas (21 ways to give)

KidsWorld Volunteer opportunities

Toddlers Team (9 or 11 a.m.)

Helping hands being there to hold, redirect, & help our amazing teacher

K-5th Grade Team

Set-up Team straighten chairs, last min. craft & snack prep, helping other volunteers be ready

Tear-down Team spot vacuum, pick up craft supplies, re-freshen rooms.

Craft Center Teamas the kids build, you help & illustrate the one “Big
Idea” being taught at all four tables (everything you need already supplied).

Story Center Team love to tell stories? You will help the kids at your table understand what the “Big Idea” for the day is (everything you need already supplied).

Small Group Center Team using prayer requests and a Bible memory verse, you get to see children’s belief in a really BIG God shine out!

Snack Center Team more than watching kids eat, you get to illustrate the days “one” idea. (everything you need already supplied).

Greeting Team smile and help parents check in their kids; direct kids to worship area.

Worship Team we supply the video, you supply the energy in leading kids in praise!

Volunteer Encouragement Team maybe your grand on the phone, encouraging those who volunteer; or perhaps keeping the calendar up to date and helping volunteers get set up with a leader, if you like to affirm and build others up this is a great team for you!

Main Auditorium Sunday Volunteer (9 or 11 a.m. service)

Set-up Team Straighten chairs, put pens and handouts on chairs

Tear-down Team Stack chairs, put out tables, take out garbage

Crash-bar Team Serve, set out snacks, help make coffee

Worship Computer (EasyWorship) Work with the computer we use for worship

Sound Tec Team Would you like to learn how to run a sound board - This is it

Lighting Team Flip a switch and help learn how to operate a light-board

Offering team Help take up offering and hand out cards and other material

Worship (singing) Team We are building a new team - try out

Worship (instrument) Team We are building a new team - try out

Volunteer Encouragement Team Set up email reminders, phone and encourage volunteers, help volunteers connect with specific leaders, follow-up visits

Maintenance team Monthly special cleaning and repair

Programming Team Help with flow of entire Sunday Worship service

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Prayers that harm you (Final blog in series on being faithful)

So I've been blogging on the irony of infidelity (we are unfaithful, distrustful, abandoning those we really love, or should love, the most). Here's your chance to go back to the beginning of this blog series (Link).

One of the most common prayers we pray is the "Please help me" prayer. Millions of us pray these words, "Please God, help me not to __________ any more."

God understands our heart, so if you pray this kind of prayer on a regular basis please don't get freaked out. Here's the deal with these kinds of prayer: Romans six, in the Bible, is all about living a life that keeps us free! It talks about the ideal focus (attitude, mental state, thoughts) we should have. It tells us what NOT to focus on. Try reading this chapter after considering this:

1. We get to have a mind-set that chooses to believe we are "alive IN God through Jesus!" (verses 5 & 11). We are to tell ourself (praying it is the best way to do this) that "sin has lost its power over us." It doesn't matter if we "feel this to be true or not." It's not contingent on if we've just had another "crash and burn" into our own self-destructive past. We are, by trust, to believe this is true because we've accepted Jesus in our lives and He lives in us! This sets us up to stop praying the following kind of prayers:

"Help me not to lose my temper any more!"
"Help me to not smoke today."
"Help me not to think impure thoughts today."
"Please God, help me to not judge others today!"

These promises (Romans 6:1-11) are inviting us to pray the following trust prayers instead:

"Thank you that Your peace is ruling in my life today."
"Thank you that this body is Yours and I get to honor Your life in my body today."
"Thank you that Your pure mind is now my mind."
"Thank you that You alone can see the motives of others. I don't have to worry about this."

We've known for a long time that saying things like, "I'm not going to gain any more weight. I'm not going to become obese." only serves to encourage the very things I'm trying to avoid. People who study human psychology have known this for years. But God invited us to pray positive prayers thousands of years ago (See Romans 7 for Paul's description of how harmful it is to focus on what "we don't want to do.").

2. The power of sin (the obsession with MY way) is broken because we're now "under grace" (like an umbrella)! This is what we see when we look up, around, everywhere we look: God's gift of love (grace) is our motive, our hope, and our motivation for everything! We are "no longer under the law" (that "I've got to do this or else" fear motivation.). It's all about seeing how much we're loved (Ephesians 1:4-5)!

Now try reading Romans 6 and continue talking to God! Make sure you re-read verses 11 and 14! Pray, by trust in God, what God "will do" in you. You are His Kid! Really, really!

Monday, May 24, 2010

How Jimmy Carter and I were unfaithful (Infidelity part III)

I've built a "fantastic excuse" for why you didn't any blogs this week (also some cues and hints to what Laura and I will be doing this Sun. afternoon - want to join us - jump to my personal blog now :_).

If your just checking in on this blog and haven't been part of our discussion about "infidelity (unfaithfulness) and Worry," you may want to jump back to the beginning right now (Day One Link).

Here's the famous Jimmy Carter Playboy interview statement that "set-off" huge discussion just before Jimmy won the presidency (Jimmy is mostly regarded as one of the most honest, full of integrity, kind presidents of all times, BUT not a good leader. If you had to choose one of these for your legacy what would be your choice right now?).

Jimmy said:

"Because I'm just human and I'm tempted and Christ set some almost impossible standards for us. The Bible says, "Thou shalt not commit adultery." Christ said, I tell you that anyone who looks on a woman with lust has in his heart already committed adultery. I've looked on a lot of women with lust. I've committed adultery in my heart many times.... This is something that God recognizes, that I will do and have done, and God forgives me for it. But that doesn't mean that I condemn someone who not only looks on a woman with lust but who leaves his wife and shacks up with somebody out of wedlock. Christ says, don't consider yourself better than someone else because one guy screws a whole bunch of women while the other guy is loyal to his wife. The guy who's loyal to his wife ought not to be condescending or proud because of the relative degree of sinfulness."

Have you ever worried about being a hypocrite? Well, the fact that you're worrying is a "good thing" unless the reason your worrying is that you want to make sure you don't feel guilty. A hypocrite is an actor (It's a Greek word that means just that.). Your an "H." if you're acting out so that others will have a certain impression of you; all the while, you have little or no desire to be this kind of person (only to be perceived as that). Hint: some of the most outspoken right-winged (they do have hidden left wings as well) religious folk (flock) who publicly, and repeatedly, lambast gays have been found to struggle with homosexuality themselves. Weird? Not at all! Does this mean their hypocrites? Not always (think about that for a while)! My point? Looking at the source of what I want most (what I worry about the most); what I believe I have to have to be Ok, can reveal, to me, why I'm unfaithful to those I love most!

I worship who or what I think will give me what "I believe" is essential to true happiness (inner joy). Must run . . . more tomorrow (not likely :). Hope to continue these thoughts Monday morning (really). Check out my personal blog (here).

Infidelity & worry - How Jimmy Carter are alike (Part II)

We are human and we are unfaithful at various moments of our day. Worry is a flag that can reveal what counts most in our lives! Examining what I worry most about (and most often) can help me see where I'm most "unfaithful." Haven't read my opening blog on this subject? (Link)

The next couple days (I'm wondering, did you do the little evaluation I shared with you in my first "Infidel" blog?)

I would like to explore some things our previous President Carter and I have in common:

1. We both like peanuts (I love Peanut M&M's)
2. We both love to serve (it can even be the source of our infidelity - I got a big blog about that saved for later)
3. We both have relatives that have "obvious addictions" and some who have "culturally nice addictions"


4. We both have been unfaithful to our wives without ever touching anyone (you'll have to wait for tomorrow's blog to find out more on this one - no rumors please :).

Today's "looking beyond the black smoke" question:

Q: What was Jesus really trying to show me in Matthew 5:21-26? Will it transform the way I give and receive love? What key "attitude" would I like to "work out" today (like going to the gym & pumping iron)?

Q: Was Jimmy Carter thinking of this passage, Matthew 5:27-28, when he shocked the world with his Playboy interview in 1976?

Want to check out my random Monday thoughts? (Link to Bruce's personal blog)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

What triggers infidelity (unfaithfulness)?

Unfaithfulness (infidelity) is something we ALL do! How's that? We all are infidels (unbelievers) at various moments during the day. Sometimes this is good "distrust," if the advice or wisdom you're being given is wrong, or dangerous. Satan is a liar (the father of lies)! I definitely want to be an "infidel" when it comes to Satan.

What are some of the biggest reasons I'm unfaithful? Why do I sometimes have an affair with my work, a hobby, or even a stupid TV show (What's your temptation?).

We fall into infidelity when:
  • we emotionally give ourselves to someone other than the person God gave us
  • we wish someone in our life would be more like someone else
  • we love things and use people
  • we play it safe (maybe from fear of being hurt or rejected) and tone down our commitment to someone God has given us to love.
We don't need to be married to be "unfaithful." We don't need to have gotten trapped in a physical affair to be giving our heart away (or locking it away) to someone else. Do you have a parent, sibling, or friend that is suffering because part of your heart is "unfaithful?" When I don't trust that God will take care of me or won't accept me, I can easily become an infidel (an unbeliever). I want to invite you to check out a "word" that might help you evaluate your level of commitment to God and those you love.

Here's that really big word ( I'll expand on it more this week), "Worry!"

Worry is like an iceberg, its greater mass (the source) is beneath the surface. If you keep your eyes out for what worries you most, you'll see the things or person's that tempt you to be unfaithful (prayer is essential in this process).

Take time, this week, to make a list of what worries you most and most often. Prepare yourself this week (check back on this blog) to pray through worry, then give it back to God.

First, start by building your "Worry list," then read (several times) Matthew chapter six.

Don't worry, be happy! Check back tomorrow :).

Link to Part II in this blog series (It will only last about a week :).

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hawaii and May 23 - Reflections on things that make a BIG difference

So here I am in Kona Hawaii with two guys and I'm thinking, "Why did I just about kill myself to get a bunch of work done, people met with, and hours of sleep lost; just to get to Hawaii?" It's not because this is such a cool place to come and hang out (it really is). It's not because I got to fly for free (that IS a really good reason to visit). No, it's partly because Laura and some others who are close to me felt I really needed the break! And, the biggest reason I'm hanging out here is that I get to invest into the lives of two friends who have poured their lives into the mission of Living Hope church. By taking the chance to hang out with them away from the "normal rat-race" I really expect that we will come back even more recharged to see more lost people find a forever-friendship with God!

Here's one of my favorite verses in the book of Wisdom, Proverbs 11:24-25 "The world of the generous gets larger and larger; the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller. 25 The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed."

When the three of us guys return to Vancouver, our hearts and time will be focused on a really big, cool event taking place at our Living Hope East Vancouver Campus - the "Chicken and Biscuits potluck." Please pray about coming to this dinner (you bring a salad and/or dessert) and we'll provide the rest. Even more, we'll be sharing some very exciting ways you can try out (a simple free trial) various service opportunities opening up at our campus. We'll share with you our next phase of remodeling and how it will touch the lives of so many. This is an opportunity for you to take that next step in serving. You will grow more friendships and your spiritual side will take off like never before.

Please don't hesitate to email me for more details on this special day -

Friday, May 7, 2010

The power of eye contact (and - how we first play)

Ever noticed when little three year old Johnny is hiding something he knows he wasn't suppose to do, he doesn't want to look you in the eye!

Eye to eye contact is stage two of human bonding. It's much riskier than simply observing someone anonymously. When we're out of sync with someone we often don't give them much eye contact. When I'm absorbed, multi-tasking, or more often, just not listening in ways that say "you count" I'm often falling short of good eye contact (texting or lap-top-ing when someone is talking to me).

Give the gift of good eye contact, turn and look into their eyes - it so adds to friendship. It sends a healthy "you're valuable to me" message. Again, my Bank account illustration applies: eye contact is a "deposit" that balances out all those stressors (withdrawals) in our relationship accounts! Deposit lots of them.


When a mom takes her baby, and makes eye contact, adding smiles and encouraging sounds, the little child soon learns to respond. This is our first experience at play. We learn to smile, make noises back, look for more and more seconds into the eyes of that "fun, safe" person who's playing with us. Scientist say the more mom's do this the higher the emotional intelligence of our kids. Our senses are built first for building friendships, then for survival. Unlike all other creatures, our nerve endings serve us first in the area of bonding, not survival of the fittest. Play with those you care about - make the other person, not what your doing, the point - you'll see more deposits in your relational bank and you'll be such better friends.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

What happened to Tuesday? The FIRST 3 steps of bonding!

Human bonding, the connections that lead to deep, authentic friendship, is something that happens the same way in every culture, everywhere (wow, those are some big "absolutes.").

The amount of "time" spent on each stage can vary, but the first three stages are just basic biology - our 5 senses, our physical bodies, all were made to connect us to each other through these first three steps.

In the past 30 years I've logged more than 10,000 hours meeting with couples and sharing about what builds deep, satisfying friendships. Over and over I find these first "steps" toward human friendship are being neglected. They are SO SIMPLE, so basic, that it's tempting to dismiss them, not take them with needed seriousness: here they are -

FIRST STAGE to human bonding:
1). Eye to body. Yep, that's it! From that little girl in first grade who watches Tommy, until Tommy turns around, we start all friendships by noticing someone. Isn't that profound, life-changing? It is! How many minutes a day do you stop and consciously notice someone you care a great deal about. You'll be surprised at the subtle differences it makes. Your thoughts, priorities, and so much more will get a work-out (think healthy and strong) by this simple exercise. In thirty five years I've seen so much benefit from building the habit (discipline) of noticing others: study others and you'll so much more than just the surface. I try to practice noticing Laura and my little two-year-old granddaughter, Elena, more than any other female (this is essential preventative medicine). People matter, try noticing more!

NON-Paid Personal Bruce Advertisement: Jump over to Bruce's personal blog for a moment - Don't wait another moment to see what Bruce and Laura are doing this Friday night (May 7). Just do it! (LINK)

2). Eye to Eye (Oh, am I ever excited to blog about this later today, tomorrow, or next year - please, please bug me until I do . . . I'm calling out to my 7 faithful readers :).

3) Voice to Voice (Experts, like Donald Joy - top-10 super-bonding researcher, say it takes 1000 hours sharing/listening to really build a friendship that has healthy trust, i.e. commitment and high value.) Logging this thousand hours before going on to steps 4-12 is what helps build the healthy Triangle base Laura and I shared about on Sunday at our campus.

Check back for more: Still to come - "How play first begins in one of the oldest mother-child games of all times!"

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Building Friendships with a Team of friends

Everything great, that lasts for a long time, has a team behind it. The smallest "whole" number in the Bible is three (God, someone else, and me)! When Adam was created God left a "space," a pause in a perfect creation so all the angels of heaven could hear the words, "It's not a good thing for Adam to be alone." (Genesis 2:18). These words have been supernaturally preserved so we can read them and know that doing life solo isn't the way to live. Self-reliance can be good but often is a result of being hurt, and our own human way of trying to be safe! Inviting others into our life is one of the ways God brings us back into wholeness.

When we play together, we find ourselves returning to the balance of "being together" more than "just doing." Play, says Mark Twain, can be the same activity, but the conditions are different. I think what "playing" really is - our heart condition celebrates being with those God has brought into our lives. Have you ever played a game that wasn't fun? What took the refreshing, recharging, fun out of it? The condition of our heart will determine if you learn to play together - growing deeper in friendship, or just keep struggling and trying to work it out.

Read Ephesians 4 (note verses 4, then 12-16). We are protected from the storms of life by the various strengths of God's body around us. The goal is a "oneness," a "belonging" that make us family throughout eternity.

Conner's story is one of a family that has built a massive team! They are active helping others build a team too. They have learned to play, that is celebrate being together and accepting the friendship and love God has given. Watch their video and visit the links. Then let what God is doing in their lives cheer you on to ALL He has planned for you. This family is a living legacy that "Being together" will always be more important than any "to do" list we may have! Thank you Sarah for sharing your family's story!

Please bring some Legos to church next week so we can fill up Conner's room with them (it's one of his big dreams).

Here are a couple links so you can pray, cheer on, and invest in this family: Sarah's blog and Conner's "Caring Bridge" web site.

How to Super-Size a date (with the Love of your life):

1. Adventure (Great, over-night dates should have the element of adventure added) - Adventure is different for every person. Explore what it "looks like" to that special "man" in your life.

2. Romance (Often there are settings and places that naturally add romance) - Both men and women need this, but guys, listen to what is "romantic" to your wife - try that first!

3. Relational checkup (Learning to build your own "relationship statement," like a monthly "bank statement" will keep you from going bankrupt in your friendship). Laura and I have often done the "List 3 things you're glad I've been doing this last month." We also never get tired of making a list of things the other person "adds" to our life and then sharing them over a fantastic dessert (on the coast).

If you don't know how to find adventure or create a romantic setting, try asking someone who does (seek to build a team of experts in all your relationships).

Bonding 1, 2, 3: Introduction

In 1962 Desmond Morris published a book on how humans bond (This study was of people groups all over the world). It stands, even today, as the definitive stufy of how humans bond. The first three stages of human human bonding, friendship, are so simple and natural; we all do them! It's how we meet and connect. And yet after people are in a relationship for a few years they often neglect these three steps of connecting.

Check back on Tuesday for the the simple ways you can keep adding to your friendships. I'll talk through each of these first 3 stages (also: I'll share the way almost all moms first play with their babies - we'll discuss why it's so important, and how the same core principles can be applied to all our friendships). Please check back on Tuesday!

Just for fun: Check out Bruce's blog - "My new running shoes" saga (with pictures:)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

This Friday, 7 p.m. - Acoustic Concert by Gordon Avery

April 23, at our East Vancouver Living Hope Campus: Come join us for our Concert, fantastic food, and new art exhibit (one of my favorites). This is a great night out (did I mention it's free?) to spend with friends, or meet new friends!

Gordon Avery, of the band Gordon Avenue, brings his Rock and Roll music into a remix done acoustically - it's mellow, yet still alive, and very much filled with fun variety (Acoustic Rock, hints of Blues and Funk, and some special surprises). Tom Taylor joins him (One very good bass player), along with Tom's son Jeremy (this kid can make a guitar come to life) and others.

The tables, food, and art all work together to create a very relaxing place to hang out. Friends who have never visited Living Hope will enjoy this special evening so send your invitations today!

Have you signed up as a fan of our new Living Hope Church East Vancouver Facebook site yet?

Just for fun: Check out my personal blog (I just posted some of my favorite 3-word prayers) and the "new shoes" I just got fitted with!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

How well do you forgive yourself?

  • Are you naturally critical of others? Yourself?
  • Do you find your never satisfied with "how well you did?"
  • Do you find yourself measuring others (their value) by how efficient, effective, and reliable they are?
  • Do you feel guilty too much (resulting in either "gritted teeth-try harder" antics or "I give up . . . it's no use resignation)?
Guilt focuses on what we "DO" wrong (or failed to do)! We live in the "should have" or "shouldn't have" shadows of the past.

Guilt can leave us trapped in poisonous regrets. It harms our relationship with others and ourself. But for all the "bad guilt" there's an authentic "good guilt" too!

Good Guilt sets us free from past failures and present "human-falling-shortness!" Because it leads us to see Jesus as our forgiver, forever-friend, and the one who will accept us and change our life! Good guilt takes away the blindness of harmful things we "do" to ourselves and others. But it gives us more hope because instead of trying harder we run to Jesus and let Him love into and out of us!

What kind of guilt do you have right now?

Good guilt helps us ask forgiveness quicker and without excuses (sometimes an "explanation" is "nicer" word for making an excuse). Excuses cancel the powerful freedom of forgiveness!

Question: How quickly do I return to accept God's free forgiveness after messing up? Do I focus, and celebrate my return instead of my fall?

I John 1:9 - Want to be clean and "right" with God? Follow God's plan - confess and then live in forgivenesses freedom!

All of get to choose: We can GIVE UP our guilt or TAKE UP the burden keep dragging it along!
If we hang onto the garbage of guilt we're likely to build a huge compost of SHAME!

Shame scars relationships even more than guilt. Guilt focuses on our "mess-ups," while shame lies to us and says we "are a mess up!"

"Your bad girl."
"Your a bad boy!"
This is a lie and much more painful than a "you did something bad."

Psalm 32 - Don't hide (vs. 3-4). Tell God, confession, that you've believed the lie that your a "mess-up" (v.5). Now live in the freedom! If you fall, fall forward into the arms of Jesus (6,7,11)!

Try reading the story of Peter and his lesson of learning to forgive himself! Luke 22:24-34, 54-62. John 21:1-17

When I believe the shaming lies of Satan I'm left with abandonment. Please come back to this blog for a powerful 3-word prayer that so helps me accept this forgiveness.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Easter at East Vancouver Living Hope - 9 a.m. & 11 a.m.

Wow! This Easter at our local campus is going to be amazing! 9 a.m. & 11 a.m.
  • Incredible food
  • Revive Espresso Trailer (tell those you invite that you'll buy them a latte or hot drink)
  • Wonderful treats for all kids (I just spoke with our Kid's World Leaders & they've got a fantastic program planned)
  • Baptisms
  • Great music and Easter message
Easter is baptism day. If you've never experienced baptisms at Living Hope, you'll be so glad you did. Watching it is a very cool experience! Every time we have baptisms the stories that are shared are so inspiring; your guests will be so touched and spiritually energized. Can you say it with me, "WOW" Easter is going to be wonderful!

If you're a guest visiting our East Vancouver blog, please just come as you are -you don't have to dress up, stand up, pay up, sign anything, or do anything that might feel embarrassing. You're our guest and we simply want you to relax and enjoy. Just come and experience Easter with us this year.

Bruce and Laura will be at the Westfield Mall (Old Mervyn's building) eith many friends from East Vancouver this Saturday night (5 & 7 p.m.)

Please check back for our 4-D forgiveness blog coming soon (it's an amazing way to set you free to communicate and share better with those you love).

4-D Forgiveness

Forgiveness is something we all need! The most real, life-changing forgiveness is a gift from God. We can't earn it or create it, only accept it as a real gift (Ephesians 1:4-5, 2:1-10).

Forgiveness helps us:
  • let go of the garbage of past hurts and regrets
  • have courage to keep building deep and lasting friendships
  • communicate better (hear the other person's heart)
  • keep hoping in the promise that God will never leave us or stop loving us
  • live in freedom from bitterness and others' judgments of us.
Looking back is good if it helps you keep looking up!

Here are the 4-D's pastor John and myself have shared with so many people (Using these four steps is a way of spending the time necessary to heal from the hurts of everyday life). Pray through each step. Maybe you'll want to write it all down - then burn or shred it when you're done.

1) Discover who hurt you
2) Define what they took from you (or neglected to give to you)
3) Dispose of the hurt (you don't have to wait until you feel like forgiving - forgiveness is not forgetting; it's choosing to forgive the way Jesus forgave us)
4) Demonstrate God's forgiveness by doing good to others (maybe even the person who hurt you).

If you'd like to read the Cliff Notes of Joseph in the Bible, it's a classic story of forgiveness. I've listed some key verses in the story. It all begins in Genesis 37 and takes a break in chapter 50. Chapter 37:4,23-24 (from hatred to attempted murder); 39:2 (Even in slavery Joe is blessed because "God is with him"); 42:5-8 (Joe doesn't take advantage of an opportunity to even the score with his brothers); 45:5 (An amazing perspective that comes out of forgiveness); and 50:20 (Belief that God takes evil and turns it into good).

Saturday, March 27, 2010

What a Week!

Today reminded me of how wonderful the return of Jesus and the New Earth God will create will be - Laura and I were able to slip away to Mt. Hood for an incredible day (Nordic Skiing, an encounter with a Man I've named Richard, and Snowshoeing that was so much fun). Jump over to Bruce's personal blog sight for pictures and the Richard Story - LINK.

Check back on this blog for more on Pastor John's 4-D forgiveness sermon.

Easter is just a week away! This is one of the most important times in all the year to invite your friends to join you at Living Hope. Please invite friends, strangers, anyone you can to join us at East Vancouver Easter Sunday at 9 or 11 a.m.

Here's what they see when they visit our campus:

The brand new "Revive" Coffee trailer will be parked in front of our campus, ready to share some wonderful coffee, tea, and other wonderful treats. Every kid will get a special Easter Gift.

Between the 9 and 11 a.m. service we will have a wonderful spread of treats for everyone who visits us for Easter. We will also have baptisms at both services.

Please spend time this week praying for those you and others are inviting to Easter.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Forgiveness Update

I'm so very excited about John's 3-D forgiveness talk this weekend; don't miss it!

Still going snowshoeing this Sat (March 27) LINK

Didn't read my first "Forgiveness blog?" LINK

The following God promise was written a couple of weeks ago; bask in God's love!

God says to each of us:

“I have loved YOU with an everlasting love! And you are able to love because I first gave love to you. Even while you were weak, helpless, full of lust and hate towards Me, I loved you and saved in Christ. I am your friend. I, the Creator God of the entire universe, chose to adopt you back as my kids even before I created the planet I gave to you as a gift. In my Eternal heart, I saw you as already perfect, 100% genuine –that’s what I see through my perfect eyes. Like I said, all of this took place before I made you. I did all of this simply because I wanted to! I’ve already forgiven you. From my perspective, this took place even before you turned back, hearing my call, ‘Please return home.’ "

“The reason I gave you my son, is so that you could see how gigantic, unending, my love really is! Don’t be afraid of me. Fear of being punished comes when someone doesn’t trust someone. I’m good, all the time. Every good gift you have ever received comes from me. I give lavish gifts to everyone, even evil people (I share the sun and rain with the whole world). I live to give! All you have to do is respond to my love. Simply say ‘yes” and I will grow our friendship. Our friendship will last forever, beyond all time. What I have just said is a promise you can count on. I keep my word!

With love,

Your Creator friend – The “Everywhere Personal God” who wants to be your friend.

This is my “classics” Bible promises from which I wrote the paragraphs above (Click on any text to jump to its LINK).

Jeremiah 31:3, I John 4:19, Romans 5:6-10, Ephesians 2:1-10; John 15:15, Revelation 3:20, Ephesians 1:4-5, John 3:16-17, I John 4:18, James 1:17, Mathew 5:45, Psalm 84:11, Isaiah 42:5-6, Romans 8:16-17, John 4:13-14; 5:24; 6:39-40; 17:3, I John 4:9; 5:11-13, I Corinthians 15:57, Titus 1:2.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Real Forgiveness leads towards . . .

Forgiveness helps us RELAX our grip . . . with OPEN hands we are free to walk towards a REUNION to FRIENDSHIP!

Jesus made us to be his "forever friend." Learning to trust, believe, what he says about us is difficult! Practice moving (in your mind) close to Jesus!

Start with: The prayer, "I am forgiven."
Remind yourself: "I won't hid."
Affirm: "I am accepted!"
The truth: "I am Yours."
Finish with: The 3-word prayer, "I am Free!"
God's Truth: "If the Son make you free, you are really free!" John 8:36 (see verse 32 too). Now be real about the fact that all of us are Crack-pots (fragile clay jars) - See Paul's words in 2 Cor. 4:7. Our emotions will sometimes tell us we don't understand forgiveness. We will still struggle with REGRETS! We are human! Keep stepping into God's forgiveness. It will lead us to trust Jesus when he says, "I'll never leave you!"

Jesus' friend, John, wrote these words when he was an old man about to die: "Even if we feel guilty (our hearts condemn us), God is greater than our feelings. And He knows everything."
I John 3:20. Take the "trust" step (faith) of saying, "I will believe what you say about me Jesus!"

Psalm 32 is a powerful reminder of how forgiveness works - Read it now (Link).

Keep checking back for more! Again here's the link to Bruce's personal blog (what to go snowshoeing this Sat? - LINK).

And - Snowshoeing this next Sat. (March 27 - LINK)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Sunday, March 21 Pastor Bruce speaks at E. Vancouver

It doesn't matter if you're a fan of the TV series LOST, this Sunday I'm going to share a 2 min. clip that is very powerful. In what way? It's a fantastic illustration of how forgiveness works.

Most of us believe in forgiveness, but getting it to stick (the "sticky factor") in our everyday lives isn't always so easy. Maybe it's easier for you to give forgiveness than to receive it. Perhaps it's hard to forgive yourself. Regrets tend to have a long "half-life." This Sunday I believe the sermon on forgiveness could be very transforming in your life.

Invite a friend. One of the stories from the Bible I'll be telling was a favorite of my Father's. It's a very powerful look into how to let forgiveness actually work in your life.

(If you're reading this before 5 p.m. on Saturday, March 20, you're invited to go to my personal blog and learn more about an "Open Date Invitation" from Bruce and Laura -Link.)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Read The Giving Tree! Also, come on a date with Bruce & Laura

COME SNOWSHOE with us Saturday, March 27th, or
meet us for a surprise "date" this coming Sat. night (March 20) . . . to do this you'll have to go to my personal blog (See Link below)!

Why not take a "side-trip" over to Bruce's blog and read The World's Greatest Love Saga (it takes less than 9 min. to read) - LINK :)

Here is the Shel Silverstein Story written 46 years ago (followed by a few questions - Check back all week for more spiritual insights):

The Giving Tree – Shel Silverstein

Once there was a tree....

and she loved a little boy.

And everyday the boy would come

and he would gather her leaves

and make them into crowns and play king of the forest.

He would climb up her trunk

and swing from her branches

and eat apples.

And they would play hide-and-go-seek.

And when he was tired, he would sleep in her shade.

And the boy loved the tree....

very much.

And the tree was happy.

But time went by.

And the boy grew older.

And the tree was often alone.

Then one day the boy came to the tree and the tree said, "Come, Boy, come and climb up my trunk and swing from my branches and eat apples and play in my shade and be happy."

"I am too big to climb and play" said the boy.

"I want to buy things and have fun.

I want some money.

Can you give me some money?"

"I'm sorry," said the tree, "but I have no money. I have only leaves and apples.

Take my apples, Boy, and sell them in the city. Then you will have money and

you will be happy."

And so the boy climbed up the tree and gathered

her apples

and carried them away.

And the tree was happy.

But the boy stayed away for a long time . . .

and the tree was sad.

And then one day

the boy came back

and the tree shook with joy

and she said, "Come, Boy, climb up my trunk

and swing from my branches and be happy."

"I am too busy to climb trees," said the boy.

"I want a house to keep me warm," he said.

"I want a wife and I want children, and so I need a house.

Can you give me a house?"

"I have no house," said the tree.

"The forest is my house,

but you may cut off my branches and build a house.

Then you will be happy."

And so the boy cut off her branches

and carried them away

to build his house.

And the tree was happy.

But the boy stayed away

for a long time.

And when he came back,

the tree was so happy

she could hardly speak.

"Come, Boy," she whispered,

"come and play."

"I am too old and sad to play,"

said the boy.

"I want a boat that will

take me far away

from here.

Can you give me a boat?"

"Cut down my trunk

and make a boat,"

said the tree.

"Then you can sail away . . .

and be happy."

And so the boy cut down her trunk

and made a boat and sailed away.

And the tree was happy

... but not really.

And after a long time

the boy came back again.

"I am sorry, Boy,"

said the tree," but I have nothing

left to give you –

My apples are gone."

"My teeth are too weak

for apples," said the boy.

"My branches are gone,"

said the tree. "You

cannot swing on them -"

"I am too old to swing

on branches," said the boy.

"My trunk is gone, " said the tree.

"You cannot climb -"

"I am too tired to climb" said the boy.

"I am sorry," sighed the tree.

"I wish that I could

give you something . . .

but I have nothing left. I am just

an old stump. I am sorry. . . ."

"I don't need very much now,"

said the boy.

"just a quiet place to sit and rest.

I am very tired."

"Well," said the tree,

straightening herself up

as much as she could,

"well, an old stump is good

for sitting and resting

Come, Boy, sit down.

Sit down and rest."

And the boy did.

And the tree was happy.

The End

QUESTIONS: Some people read Shel Silverstein's story and become irritated at the selfish, greedy “little boy” that so uses and abuses the tree. Where did this story take you? I asked my friend Diana, an amazing elementary teacher, what her student’s reactions typically are; her answer? “The kids seldom think of the boy at all. They are mesmerized by the wonder of the tree.” Could it be true? When I’m swept off my feet in love I don’t even see the garbage around me? What do you see in others most of the time?

Luke 15 has some very religious people upset with Jesus' storytelling. When you look at this story (wrongly named The Prodigal Son) who do you end up focusing on? The "worldly wayward" younger son? The Dad? The passive aggressive, non-appreciative LOST older brother?

Love Gives because it wants to! Read Psalm 149:1-5. We can "twist and twirl" (Heb. for the word "dance" in the Old Testament of the Bible) in our friendship with God! God's "pleasure" is seeing our eyes light up, like The Giving Tree. Fun: this passage is one of the original Mary Kay Makeup verses (verse 4 says "God takes pleasure in his kids." The word "pleasure" used here comes from the Hebrew concept of "looking beautiful" and is associated with a "rosy" red, flushed face. The ancient root is "to boil, be hot, glow with heat." God's face reflects his passionate love for us. God IS nuts about us! Do you believe this? Believing God will transform the way we look at others!

Revisit this blog or Bruce's personal blog (LINK) for more The Giving Tree" thoughts over the next few days :)