Thursday, June 24, 2010

Summer Spiritual Muscle - a simple plan

Here's are two workout routines for spiritual strength:

1) Sing and Shout, a lot! Singing (even if you lip-sync) is a powerful use of your 3 of your 5 senses! Singing is highly recommended by God many times in the Bible. It very likely could activate the powerful endorphins spoken of in Philippians 4 (Check it out)! In addition to singing, try "shouting" about what's really worth shouting about! I mean it - we use passion and "volume" for some pretty silly things ( for example: bad drivers, someone taking cuts in a long line, our cat or dogs bad behavior, our kid/s, lawnmower, or even worse, a missed putt at Blue Heron Golf Course (those 16" ones can bite hard). Shout, with exuberant celebration, for the gift of life! Not long ago, just for fun, my son Marcus and I SHOUTED, "Get in the hole!" right Gordon hit his Tee shot on a short par 4 (It was fun . . . felt like the US Open . . . my sweetheart Laura laughed a lot too). Don't hold back at exhibiting your inner value for life, gifts, love, and great memories - express yourself more. It's highly recommended by GOD! A must read is Psalm 33 - Start with this verse (3) now! The ancient language of the Bible says, literally, "make a really loud shout." It's the same word used to describe a war cry of celebration or mighty trumpet blast! Read this verse again; now take a look at the root word (in the link above). Try it out; SHOUT OUT LOUD SOMETHING YOU SO APPRECIATE! It's going to build some really good muscle on your inside!

2) Walk back (saunter) to a life of "awe and wonder." Little children are simply amazed all the time. Watching my two year old granddaughter run down a path, simply in awe of the gift of "running" (Not much bend going on in those little knees yet, but the bouncing jelly-face, full of wonder, is so incredibly WOW . . . " You can keep on running like that, sweetie!").

Notice what Psalm 33:8 says, "Let all the earth fear the LORD: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him." The word "fear" can mean either "terror" or "respect-deep awe." Tingle with the beyond "bigness" of who God is in your life. Look at life with deep wonder, fascination. Stop and look at how amazing life is!

There's far more I'd love to blog on in this passage (maybe later): make sure you check out the weird pictures of my son Gordon experiencing Chinese Fire-pots on his back (Warning - I think these are some "sick" pictures).

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