Saturday, January 30, 2010

Contrast makes better pictures - Post India

When there's little contrast, it's difficult to capture beauty. There are several roads my mind wants to wander down right now, but I'll try to turn around quickly when I start down one.

This weekend at Living Hope is Baptism weekend! We will be sharing stories that I believe will bring so much renewal, hope, and encouragement to all of us. Laura and I look forward to seeing you at the 9 or 11 a.m. service.

The contrast of India to Dubai to Portland/Vancouver was so drastic. But what does remain the same all over the world is the need for genuine friendship. With Jesus alive and living out of us we do became light, salt, and a wonderful smell.

A week ago, five us stood next to a little church built of Palm. The children, some 35 yards away, had never seen a "White person" before. The pastor road his bicycle to this little village (2,000) and preached in the church he built with his hands. Dr. Kumar has planted hundreds of little churches like this and he currently oversees 900 pastors. None of these belong to a denomination. Living Hope is one of many who contribute to this mission work. Less than 48 hours ago Laura, Gordon and I were eating in a wonderful little Italian restaurant in Dubai (one of the wealthiest cities in the world). We were seated outside, looking up at the worlds tallest building, while watching a beautiful water show. The choreographed music, shining moon, and warm wealth made it easy to forget the poverty of India. And then we met our server, a young lady from India. Contrast can keep us living in reality.

I can only say that every prayer, every dollar, and all your hard work at our campus while we were gone did much to further God's kingdom. The harvest is so ripe, and it seems like there will never be enough resources or willing hands; but that must never stop us from working together to take the love of Jesus to everyone, everywhere - Dubai, Haiti, and India.

This weekend we will see many more baptized into Jesus. Hope to see you Sunday. When I'm more rested I'll post more stories here. I also hope to post pictures on my Facebook soon.

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